How to make gliders happy


1. A nice wheel like the Stealth or Davids.

2. Safe toys, and lots of them.

3. Nice clean pouches, fleece is great.

4. Fresh and accessible water at all times

5. Yummy and healthy food like hpw plus, fruits and veggies. There are other diets out there, I like this one.

6. A large cage, recommended 2'2'3 for a pair. Once I had a pair in a 3'3'5'. Height is more important than depth.

7. Yummy treats like yoggies, mealworms, avocado, eggs, chicken, ect. Everyone likes different things, don't spoil there dinner though.

8. Somewhere safe to play when out of cage, like a tent or glider proofed bathroom.

9. A well maintained environment, no rust, cleaned weekly.

10. A loving and patient mommy or daddy who spends time with them daily.